What Are Grounds For Divorce In Massachusetts?
October 12, 2017 – Polly Tatum

Divorce is so prevalent today that it may seem like there is no difficult in having one granted. In reality, divorce is a legal action that carries many requirements and stipulations. You may be surprised to learn that to be granted a divorce you have to have grounds for it. Your grounds for divorce will be the legal reasoning behind the end of your marriage. Different states have different accepted grounds for divorce, categorized into fault and no-fault grounds. Fault grounds are based on one spouse’s wrongdoing or misconduct in the marriage. Filing for divorce under fault grounds means someone was at fault for the marriage ending. No-fault divorces occur when both spouses mutually agree to end the marriage and no one is at fault. In Massachusetts, there are both fault and no-fault grounds for divorce.
Massachusetts has seven fault grounds: cruel and abusive treatment, desertion, drug or alcohol addiction, neglect or refusal to provide support, adultery, impotency, and imprisonment of five or more years. Each of these grounds has specific terms and conditions under which they can be used. There is also a no-fault grounds for divorce in Massachusetts: the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
This means the marriage is irretrievably broken but that no one is to blame. Most people in Massachusetts file for a no-fault divorce.
It is important to keep in mind that while some of the fault grounds for divorce may apply in your case, you must prove them for those grounds to be accepted. Proving one of the fault grounds for divorce can be difficult, meaning your divorce could cost more money and take more time. You do not have to prove anything to file for a divorce under Massachusetts’ no-fault grounds, but both spouses must sign a statement expressing their desire to end the marriage and the reasoning behind it. If you are contemplating initiating a divorce, no fault is the most common, least adversarial and detrimental way for the family. Contact a highly experienced Divorce mediator to assist you with your case. A Divorce Mediator can help you with the divorce process in a fair and cost-effective manner.
If you are contemplating divorce and have some questions, contact Mediation Advantage Services for experienced family law help. Law Office of Polly Tatum can assist you with initiating the divorce process in a non-adversarial way, helping you maintain peace of mind and keep your costs down. Our firm serves those across Worcester County as well as across Massachusetts. Call our Worcester office at , fill out our online form, or email us at info@mediationadvantage.com today to schedule your Complimentary Mediation Success Planning Session. You can also sign up for our eNewsletter or download our free guide for more information regarding divorce in Massachusetts.
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