The Law Office of Polly Tatum is a family law and divorce mediation firm serving all of Worcester and surrounding areas. They help people protect what they care about most. They can help you divorce with dignity, without going broke! Separation agreements, divorce mediation, child custody, alimony — whatever your specific family situation requires — they can help.
As with most things in life, the more prepared you are, the better off you’ll be. Whether you have already begun working through your family law matter or you are still in the beginning phases, you have come to the right place. With her focus on the attorney-client relationship, you’ll know you are not alone and that they are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.
Family law matters are among the most emotionally overwhelming legal issues a person can face. If you’re contemplating divorce, or need help resolving issues on separation, alimony, child support, child custody, or you wish to protect your financial future with a prenuptial agreement, a Worcester family law attorney can help. With over 24 years of experience and over 4000 cases mediated, the Law Office of Polly Tatum can take on your family law case. Give them a call at (774) 366-3711.
What Is Family Law?
Family law is a legal practice area that is focused on family relationships and the legal transactions that are involved in family matters of marriage, divorce, the division of assets, and the custody and financial support of children. Family law attorneys represent clients in both contested and uncontested divorce proceedings, child custody hearings, alimony and child support modification requests, prenuptial agreements, and other legal matters pertaining to the family.
What Can A Family Law Lawyer Help With?
Many of the relationships that exist between members of a family require contracts and agreements. A family lawyer can help create those contracts and agreements and file them in court, as well as represent their clients in litigation involving the dissolution of marriage, the division of assets, or the allocation of support. A family lawyer assists in the following family legal matters:
Divorce is a complex issue—particularly if there are assets to be divided and children to be provided for. While Massachusetts is a “no-fault” state concerning divorce, meaning neither party has to prove that there is a reason why the marriage should end, it is easy to overlook the complexities of the state’s divorce law. A Worcester family law attorney can provide both the experience necessary to ensure that every provision that needs to be made with the dissolution of your marriage has been included, and the objective view that is needed to make decisions on important matters about child custody, spousal or child support, and the division of assets.
Massachusetts does not have a procedure for “legal separation.” However, the state does have a process called a separate support lawsuit that can be filed to ensure support for you and your children and to prevent your spouse from limiting your freedom. Separate support is a different procedure than divorce and is available in situations where your spouse has failed to support you and has either deserted you, is living separately from you for a justifiable cause, or should be living separately from you for a justifiable cause. The state considers justifiable causes to include abuse, adultery, or desertion.
Alimony is a form of payment that is paid to a spouse in need of support by a spouse who can pay. There are four common types of alimony paid in Massachusetts, including:
General term alimony-is paid regularly to a spouse who was financially dependent on the other spouse during the marriage. The time in which these payments are made depends on the length of the marriage.
Rehabilitative alimony-is temporary alimony paid to a spouse who is expected to gain the ability to support themselves within a short period.
Reimbursement alimony-is ordered for no more than five years for one spouse to repay another for assistance, such as helping the spouse obtain an education.
Transitional alimony-is a temporary form of alimony awarded to a spouse for some time so they can have the opportunity to settle into a new lifestyle or location.
Child Support
Massachusetts law requires that both parents provide support for their children. Child support refers to a payment that is provided by the non-custodial parent to the primary caregiver. An experienced Worcester family law attorney can assist you in completing the often complex worksheets involved in determining child support.
Child Custody
Courts make decisions on child custody under which parents can provide the care that is in the best interests of the child. There are four types of child custody in Massachusetts, including:
Sole legal custody- one parent is responsible for making legal decisions for the child, including decisions regarding where the child attends school or whether they have a medical procedure.
Joint legal custody- both parents share the responsibility of making legal decisions for the child.
Sole physical custody- means the child lives with one parent while the other parent has visitation rights.
Joint physical custody- the child spends periods living with each parent separately.
Prenuptial agreements are contracts entered into by individuals who are planning to marry. This contract is to be enforced if the marriage ends in divorce and includes provisions to determine:
- Division of marital property.
- A specified amount of spousal support.
- How debts, health insurance, and life insurance will be handled.
- How the children of previous relationships will be treated concerning the assets of their parents.
How Controversial Can Family Issues Get?
Family law can be both emotionally and financially draining, as it often requires individuals to deal with some of the most personal and sensitive aspects of their lives. However, family law disputes can also be incredibly complex and contentious, particularly when children are involved. If you are facing a family law issue, it is important to have an experienced Worcester family law attorney by your side.
At the Law Office of Polly Tatum, we understand how difficult and overwhelming dealing with a family law issue can be. We are here to provide you with the compassionate and effective representation you need to resolve your issue as efficiently as possible. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.
How Can I Find The Best Worcester Family Law Attorney For Me?
Selecting the right attorney is an important decision. You want to be sure you are hiring someone with the experience, knowledge, and compassion to help you through this difficult time. The Law Office of Polly Tatum can help you protect your rights to have a relationship with your children and to be treated fairly in your divorce. Contact us at (774) 366-3711 for more information about the services we provide during family law cases.