Meeting Needs & Protecting Interests
July 11, 2018 – Polly Tatum

Benefiting Both of You
Divorce can rip families apart. When a couple wants to end the marriage, there is no easy way to meet everyone’s needs and protect everyone’s interests. It may be difficult, but you can do it with proper planning and preparation. It is often beneficial for both spouses to strive toward a fair outcome. Preserving both your financial futures and peace of mind is in both your best interests.
Meeting Needs
Both spouses have needs in the divorce. You may need financial support.
Your spouse may need enough parenting time to maintain a strong connection with your child. Your child will need both support and parenting time. It is important to try to meet the needs of all family members, whatever those needs may be. You can request alimony even after finalizing a divorce in Massachusetts. Because of this, it is important to identify and meet the need for financial support from the beginning. You can meet your child’s needs by developing a strong parenting plan. A good parenting plan can ensure your child’s health, safety, and well-being are protected.
Protecting Interests
You each have interests in the divorce. You both want financial security, a share of the assets, and ample parenting time. You may think of these as competing interests. When it is just between you two, the more you get the less your spouse will get. Taking care to protect both of your interests in the divorce can help you both long-term. You can have a more emotionally healthy divorce where both of you feel the outcome was fair and you were treated with respect.
Your Ongoing Financial Relationship
You and your spouse may be tied together financially for a period of time after the divorce. Ensuring you handle the divorce finances in a fair manner will benefit both of you. Calculating reasonable alimony and child support payments can protect you in the future. This can reduce the risk you will need to go to court to enforce payments. Protecting your own interests involves protecting your spouse’s as well. You may want to consider divorce mediation if you are interested in achieving a fair divorce outcome that will meet the needs and protect the interests of both of you. Mediation is an effective way to create a fair separation agreement that is in the best interests of all involved.
Do you need to file for divorce in Massachusetts?
Mediation Advantage Services is here to help. Law Office of Polly Tatum is highly experienced in Massachusetts family law and can help you and your spouse create a separation agreement that benefits you both. Based in historic Worcester with a satellite office in Northboro, MA, our firm serves all cities and towns throughout Massachusetts and Worcester County including, Auburn, Paxton, Leicester, Sutton, Grafton, Shrewsbury, Westboro, Northboro, Southboro, Holden, Sterling, Princeton, Worcester, Charlton, Millbury, Dudley, Spencer, Brookfield, Sudbury, Natick, Framingham, Hopkinton, Milford, Blackstone, Leominster, Fitchburg, Acton, Jefferson, Barre, Oakham, Cambridge, Newton, Marlboro, Lancaster, Bolton, and Hudson. Call our office at (508) 795-1557(508) 795-1557, fill out our online form, or email us at today to schedule your Complimentary Mediation Success Planning Session. You can also sign up for our eNewsletter or download our free e-book for more information regarding divorce in Massachusetts.
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