Deciding to engage in mediation instead of going to court for your divorce is often a wise decision. Divorce mediation has many advantages over divorce litigation. It is less adversarial, less stressful, and is generally more cost-effective. Mediation is a more amicable way to divorce and may be right for your family, but it does require effort and patience from both spouses. Taking a few steps to prepare yourself for mediation will give you the best chance at success.

Take some time before the mediation to consider your wants, needs, desires, and concerns.

Child supportalimony, and the equitable distribution of property are high-conflict areas of divorce but are well suited for resolution in mediation. Along with your separation agreement outlining how the family finances will be divided, you will have to submit financial statements. It is important to come to mediation prepared with actual figures so you can work up an accurate and reasonable separation agreement.

Gather documents to demonstrate your actual household costs, your financial need, or your ability to provide support.

Mediation is a less stressful alternative to litigation, but it still requires strength during a trying time. During the mediation process with the help of your Divorce Mediator you will gather all the necessary information to make informed decisions about your final Separation Agreement. It is also a good idea to write down all the key issues you want to address. Having them in front of you during the mediation can help you to stay focused on the issues you feel are most important, and that is key to a successful mediation.

Are you going through a divorce and want to learn about mediation?

Mediation Advantage Services can help. Experienced in divorce mediation, Law Office of Polly Tatum can help ensure your divorce mediation is successful. Our firm serves those across Worcester County as well as across Massachusetts. Call our Worcester office at (508) 466-4734, fill out our online form, or email us at today to schedule your Complimentary Mediation Success Planning Session. You can also sign up for our eNewsletter or download our free guide for more information regarding divorce in Massachusetts.